Daily Archives: May 31, 2016

A Christian and an Atheist Sup At a Muslim’s Table

The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Zephaniah 3:14-18 or Romans 12:9-16 | Isaiah 12 | Luke 1:39-56

Love each other as much as brothers should, and have a profound respect for each other. Work for the Lord with untiring effort and with great earnestness of spirit. (Romans 12:10-11)

This is the story of Ali, Abraham and Adrian. Ali runs a food stall specialising in Malay cuisine with a Middle-Eastern twist, and dedicates his labour to Allah. Abraham is a staunch atheist who nevertheless behaves in a more Christ-like manner that most Christians I know (which is why I keep writing about him in my blog). Adrian is, well, me.

One day, Abraham stumbled across Ali’s stall in his never-ending quest for good food. Being quite enthused about the quality of Ali’s product, Abraham nevertheless suggested a couple of tweaks, which Ali gratefully took on.

Abraham then introduced Adrian to Ali’s food. Adrian was similarly enthused, and made a couple more suggestions, which were cheerfully received.

Abraham and Adrian return to Ali’s stall on a regular basis, see that all is still very good, and say as much to Ali – along with the occasional suggestion for improvement. Ali beams with joy.

Then Ali closed shop for a few months, which caused Abraham and Adrian no small consternation. When Ali reappeared, he revealed that he had a rather serious problem with his leg that required emergency surgery, and was still in recovery, so he had trouble standing for long. Nevertheless, he continued to cook delicious food, while taking shorter and shorter breaks as the healing process continued.

Thereafter, Ali’s leg became a staple of conversation along with the day’s food; Abraham and Adrian never failed to enquire about the slow recovery of this most important load-bearing appendage.

Then Adrian broke his foot, and disappeared in turn for a few months. When he reemerged, it was Ali’s turn to express concern, and soon thereafter, a foot joined a leg and lamb shanks in regular conversation.

Ali and Adrian still pray for each other’s recovery and good health daily. I suspect Ali prays for Abraham’s conversion as well, though if the latter feels tugged in two different directions, he doesn’t let on. ?

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Have you found a connection between this story and the quote from today’s reading?

It’s this: Ali dedicates his labour to Allah, and it shows in the quality of his food. His faith directs him to make the best product possible, even when in pain.

It’s not something he’d reveal casually; Abraham and I only found out after a few months of chatting with him. In the months we’ve known him, and in the many words we’ve exchanged, we’ve come to respect and be respected by him, and, I daresay, become almost like brothers – the second connection to today’s reading.

We know a few other hawkers like Ali, and though none of them “work for the (Christian) Lord,” they all practise their craft “with untiring effort and with great earnestness of spirit.” They could, in fact, serve as models of Christian living: do it with love and dedication is easier said than done.

Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit when visited by her blessed relative. As I visit Ali’s stall today, I hope to be inspired to redouble my personal efforts and deliver quality in everything I do.

Lord, we are often worn down by each day’s labour. Open our eyes to see our brothers and sisters who go about their daily business with faith, love and spirit, and thereby draw strength to emulate them in our daily lives, so that we too may show through our labours the quality of Your immense and unconditional love. Amen.