Daily Archives: May 14, 2016

The Apostolic Lucky Draw

St. Matthias, Apostle
Acts 1:15-17, 20-26 | Psalm 112:1-8 | John 15:9-17

Having nominated two candidates, Joseph known as Barsabbas, whose surname was Justus, and Matthias, they prayed, ‘Lord, you can read everyone’s heart; show us therefore which of these two you have chosen to take over this ministry and apostolate, which Judas abandoned to go to his proper place’. They then drew lots for them, and as the lot fell to Matthias, he was listed as one of the twelve apostles. (Acts 1:23-26)

Decisions, decisions…

“Eh, they use tikam-tikam to choose apostles meh?” That was an honest reaction from a Catholic friend who belatedy noticed what Acts 1:26 actually said. Indeed, given the modern mechanics of a papal election, where every cardinal is guided by the Holy Spirit to make an independent nomination, or even a secular election where every voter is free to make an informed choice, using “luck of the draw” to elect a replacement for Judas Iscariot seems almost flippant.

Note, however, that it’s implied that both Barsabbas and Matthias were qualified for the job. As Acts 1:21-22 notes, both men had been with Jesus all through His earthly ministry, so both were equally able to testify to His divinity and resurrection. I suspect that the apostles were actually praying for the Holy Spirit to illuminate any aspect of either man that might give him an edge over the other, so that they could make an informed choice as with any proper election. Only when no “advantage” came to light, did they draw lots to make a fair choice between two equals.

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There are two common practices that are related to this apostolic election. Both involve opening the Bible and reading a passage at random, but to two very different ends:

  • Sortes Sacrae (Holy Lots) – letting scripture foretell your fate
  • Spiritus Sanctus (Holy Inspiration)1 – letting scripture guide your actions

As you might imagine, Mother Church is very much against one of these, and actively encourages the other.

Lord, You are the source and inspiration of sacred scripture. Kindle in us the burning desire to spend time daily with Your Word, that it may inform our actions and inspire our sharing with others. Amen.