Daily Archives: April 10, 2016

Peter: Lost No More

3rd Sunday of Easter (Year C)
Acts 5:27-32,40-41; Psalm 29:2,4-6,11-13; Rev 5:11-14; John 21:1-19

Today’s Gospel depicts the “coming of age” of Peter. It starts out with him going out to sea to fish with his companions, a random and almost childish impulse that literally nets nothing. Then Jesus appears on the scene, and suddenly their nets are so full of fish that they can’t haul them in.

I believe this is intended as an object lesson: Begin your task with God in mind, and things will go much better than trying to get it down by your sweat alone. Sadly, it’s rather easy to forget in the hustle and bustle of modern life; making sure I don’t forget is one reason why I’ve committed myself to this daily Bible-blogging.

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Have you ever wondered why Peter is eventually anointed as the first leader of the universal church, even though it’s “the disciple Jesus loved” (perhaps John the Apostle) who actually recognized Him? It seems a little odd for the Master to appoint as His direct representative one who doesn’t seem to know him very well, to the point of publicly disavowing Him when He was sore beset. Too, when Jesus asks Peter three times to reaffirm his love, Peter throws what might now be considered a hissy fit.

And yet…leaders throughout history have been chosen for their ability to lead, not necessarily to be paragons of holiness. Indeed, new CEOs are sometimes brought in specifically to be slayers of sacred cows and reapers of dead wood, so that an ailing company can be brought back to growth and profitability. With two millennia worth of hindsight, it’s clear that Peter was able to rise above his mistakes and faults, and build God’s Church quite admirably, despite seemingly not being the disciple that Jesus loved most.

I think we too are called to stop telling ourselves that we are unworthy to be lay shepherds, to instead ask God to send the Holy Spirit to enflame our hearts, rule our minds, and grant us the strength and confidence to share that precious food that is the Word of God:

Feed my lambs, tend my sheep, bring the weary home to me.
Be the eyes for the blind to see the truth.
Spread the word, I am here, bring good news to those in fear
I have loved you since the world began
Be my shepherds, feed my lambs
