Daily Archives: April 4, 2016

Digo Si, Señor!

Blessed Feast of the Annunciation to all!

I’m reminded today that Mary unreservedly said “Yes” to God (Lk 1:26-38), but Jesus’ disciples demurred with “let me do XYZ first, then I’ll follow you” (Lk 9:57-62). How much more difficult is it for us today to heed that call, to forsake all that the secular world holds dear to follow a greater Truth?

In that spirit, here’s a song I used to sing at my college chapel 25 years ago, not truly comprehending the magnitude of the words spilling from my mouth in incomprehensible Spanish:


P.S. The above video may not be available, depending on where you’re viewing it from. Here’s another one that may work better:

and a taste of the lyrics in Spanish and English:

Al Señor de eternidad,
Digo si Señor.
Al Señor que me escuscha,
Digo si Señor.
Al Dios de los ofenidos,
Digo si Señor.
Al Dios de justicia,
Digo si Señor.
To the God who cannot die,
I say "Yes," my Lord.
To the one who hears me cry,
I say "Yes," my Lord.
To the God of the oppressed,
I say "Yes," my Lord.
To the God of all justice,
I say "Yes," my Lord.
Digo Si Señor
en tiempos malos
y en tiempos buenos.
Digo Si Señor
a todo lo que hablas.
I say "Yes," my Lord,
in all the good times,
through all the bad times.
I say "Yes," my Lord,
to every word you speak.