Daily Archives: March 28, 2016

Beware the Power of Prayer

A few years ago, I began the yearly practice of catching just a few hours’ sleep after the Easter Vigil celebrations, only to head back to church for the 7am Easter Sunday mass to greet the Risen Son. (Yes, I know that’s a terrible pun, but it’s stuck in my head.)

This year, I’d just missed the bus I’d usually take, and there was a dearth of available taxis on the road. When the next bus service arrived, I checked my watch and mentally calculated that, if there were any hiccups along the way or the driver were a little slow, I might be late for mass.

So I said a short prayer, “Lord, please get me to church on time to celebrate your resurrection with everyone else”, then boarded the bus.

The roads were clear, and the bus driver…turned out to be a Formula 1 aspirant. I ended up at church in 2/3rds the time it would normally take, early enough to practice with the resident choir before mass began.

The speed, along with the bus’ soft suspensionĀ andĀ the undulating local roads, also made for a white-knuckle ride that left me wide awake without my usual morning coffee.

When the Lord answers your prayers, prepare for the unexpected.